Do you offer seasonal one-time treatments?

We offer annual treatments that are one time during a specific season. We also offer season-long maintenance programs.

Do you treat for spiders?

Yes. We’ve been helping to control spiders in Erie, PA for more than 90 years. Due to the climate in our area and the close proximity of Lake Erie, we experience a large number of spiders in our area. General Exterminating offers several spider control options: Our General Deluxe Program, Our Late Spring/Early Summer Treatment and our Late Summer/Early Fall Treatment. We’ve been helping to control spiders in Erie, PA for more than 90 years.

Is your work guaranteed?

Yes. We stand behind everything we do. Our services are tried and true. Each treatment has its own warranty. That’s one of many reasons why we’re still serving Erie after 90 years.

How long after the initial treatment does it take to see results?

Results vary according to the type of pest, treatment methods and products used. For example, immediate results can be seen when a yellow-jacket nest is removed or treated with a liquid pesticide. However, when using baits for ants the process takes longer since the pests have to ingest the product for it to be effective. Your inspector and technician will review expectations for your particular situation and treatment.

Are you insured and licensed?

Yes. We are fully insured and licensed. In addition, we’re a member in good standing of the National Pest Management Association and the Pennsylvania Pest Management Association.

Is General Exterminating a local company?

Yes! We live and work here. Our family has been serving Erie families and businesses for over 90 years. We’re on our 4 th generation and going strong! In addition, we’re active in our community. We sponsor local youth baseball, we donate to and support many local non-profits. And we believe in the strength of community. We Love Erie. We’re Erie Strong.

What is your service area?

We service Erie County, PA, Northern Crawford County, PA and Southwest NY State.

Do you sell retail products for Do-It-Yourselfers?

Yes. Stop in or call for details and more information.

Do you charge to identify insects?

Nope. Bring in a sample or email us a picture and we’ll identify it for you.

Do you accept credit cards?

Yes, Visa, Mastercard and Discover are accepted. You can pay online, by phone, or by mail. Your check or cash is always welcome as well!

Our philosophy is to provide quality service at a fair price. Our family servicing your family for over 90 years and 4 generations!